Re: The vinyl records of font formats
Mark, it is a misconception that there is no compression in the making of vinyl records. Quite to the contrary, it was always necessary to compensate for transient peaks in analog tape recordings so …6 -
Re: Is the term ‘foundry’ a proper name for digital companies?
Another point: From the era of photocomposition until the advent of PostScript type, when the metal type foundries had folded or were on their last legs, each machine manufacturer made its own fonts,…5 -
Re: Is the term ‘foundry’ a proper name for digital companies?
In the early 1980s, when most of my work was in design for the music industry, there was a great discussion about whether to keep the word “record” when referring to the new Compact Disc format. I th…8 -
Re: Type Identification (Historical)
Igor, thank you for this very impressive piece of bibliographic research. Searching for the identity of this “Elzevir” type may prove difficult. In early 18th-century England, “Elzevir” became a gene…2 -
Re: Type Identification (Historical)
I don’t know what these types are, but they are not English types. Igor's claim is incorrect, yet I can see how he came to it. These types' relationship to "Elzevir" has nothing to do with …2